
Holiday Shopping! There! I said it! Don’t judge me!

As October approaches, I realize that I have not properly prepared for the holidays. We’ve all seen the meme. It goes something like this:

The mad rush for the end of the year is upon us. And it’s my job to make it magical for the kids. I’m tired already. But, whatever, here we go. My first step is to get the kids costumes lined up. The girl binged the Descendents movies this summer. There was a new movie out and she jumped into the franchise headfirst. She grew to love Evie, the evil queen’s daughter (from Snow White). Evie is girly and loves to dress and wear makeup. Right up her alley. So that is what she has chosen to be. I have a Halloween season ahead of me having to explain to all the adults what her costume is. Maybe I’ll just make cards to hand out. Kinda like they used to do at malls in the 90’s. The guy would wander around the tables in the food court and hand out cards that said they were deaf, sometimes giving a little toy, and ask for money that they would collect on their next trip around the food court. Anyone not giving money would get their card and toy taken back. I’ve actually never comfirmed with anyone that this happened anywhere else. I may have lived in an area with particular scammers. Anyways, (back from my nostalgic tangent) the girl’s costume is fairly easy. I found the perfect dress at Target. Practically a replica, good material, a copy of Evie’s dress in the most recent Descendents movie, the third one. A red and black dress, not her typical blue getup. I was hoping to find one. Here’s a picture from Target:

They also had a purse to go with it. She hasn’t seen that yet. I’m leaving it for a surprise.

Not too shabby. These two things cost me about $40 altogether, probably the same as if we picked up an actually costume from the Halloween store and the dress is much better in quality than youre run-of-the-mill costumes. Now all I need is leggings to match. Evie had red and white leggings so I will probaby get some white leggings and use either dye or fabric paint. The leggings have a very specific print. After that, I just need to figure out the hair. I could buy a wig but they usually suck, don’t look as nice as you want them to and kids have no patience for wigs. I bought some colored hair wax. I got blue so if we can make it work, we will use that. Here’s Evie to give you am idea of what I’m dealing with:

Oooh, I suppose I should try and find that tiara. Evie is a princess, after all, seeing as how her mom is a queen. Wait, does that mean I have to be the evil queen? She’s not even my favorite villian. Well, I guess I could just go along with the boys ‘ costume. To be discussed later. Hint, Rawr!