
It’s Oscar time…does anyone care?

The Academy awards are this Sunday. I used to watch them. Made a big thing of it, too. We would have our friends over, make ballots for everyone to fill out and make themed food to serve up. And drink, of course, cause that’s the only way to make it entertaining. Since having the children, I have not been able to get into it as much. I can’t go see the movies. I used to see all the movies. Multiple movies each weekend. (Even sneaking in from time to time, or everytime. Just sayin, we may or may not have planned a schedule to maximize our movie viewing) Call it a trade-off, cause now I am lucky to go see a kids movie. My youngest has yet to understand the art of sitting and watching a movie. Needless to say, I have a hard time getting into the Oscars since I don’t know anything about the movies being nominated.

Trying to keep up with all the news is a task, also. They have a host, they don’t have a host. They are cutting out some awards for the show length, no, wait, they are doing them during the commercial break, hold on, they’re gonna be aired later, no, NVM, we’re gonna show them anyway. I know the host gig is hard. It’s a thankless job and no one will be happy with the job you do no matter what. Most likely because of this day and age. The old, golden-age movie days had more theatrical performances and it worked. No one has that kind of attention span anymore. Vine ruined that. You have 6 seconds to entertain someone or you have lost them.

Still, I miss getting together with friends are collecting the ballots, cheering or booing when the winners were announced, the occasional chuckle when something funny actually happened, watching the In Memorium segment saying “that was this year” every other person. I was never that great at picking the winners. Too many Hollywood politics. But drinking and eating cocktail weinies made up for it. Since Bohemian Rhapsody was the only one I saw, that’s the one I’ll be rooting for. If I had to pick another, I would say Green Book. It did well at the Globes and it sounds like a good movie. I’ll get around to that one at some point.


It’s Wetlands Day (oh and Groundhog’s Day)

Getting the elephant out of the room, the Groundhog has declared that winter is over. You wouldn’t know by looking at the actual weather but you don’t question the hog.

Today is Wetlands Day. Anything in nature is important, of course, and we should always appreciate and protect it in all it’s forms. Wetlands don’t always jump to the forefront. They are all over. A wetland is any area that contains swamps or marshes. They harbor many different plant and animal species. Wetlands help with flooding and prevent cities from spending money to treat water for the people.

Here in Vegas, yes, in the middle of the desert, we have our own wetlands that has been recently renovated. The Clark County Wetlands Park, located on the east side of Vegas. It was developed in 1991 and they have many different programs and events. They have a Nature Center that houses displays and interactive pieces to help you learn about the inhabitants of the area. There is an indoor picnic café to grab a bite to eat after exploring the wetlands.

The park itself is a 210-acre preserve, with paved and unpaved paths for people to take, even the little ones. You can take archery classes, star gaze, enjoy storytime or learn how take care of your garden. They have a little something for everyone.

Check out the Wetlands Walker program. A self-guided fitness program that has some better scenery than the gym. Plus, you can track your miles and earn rewards. All for just taking a walk.

And there are some pretty amazing pictures that come out of it. Case in point:

Check out the park site for all the info. Or you can just head down and learn it all firsthand. https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/parks/Pages/cc-wetlands-park-homepage.aspx