work naked

Inspirational Headline Here

I needed a creative outlet so here I am. My head is filled with so many random thoughts. I’ve always enjoyed writing. Fair warning, there isn’t much rhyme or reason to my blog. I’ve always enjoyed things like oddball holidays, the origin of catch phrases and I grew up in the 80’s, so naturally, nostalgia kicks in from time to time. I’m going to kick this off with the the day’s random holiday.

Febuary 1st is Work Naked Day

It’s not as gross as it sounds. Also, it can have the potential to piss you off. This day is for all those lucky bastards who get to work from home. The American dream. Wake up when you want to. Eat whenever you want. Stay in jammies or less, if desired. All because you don’t have an office to report to. No one to judge you or get offended by what you’re wearing because you can log in your computer and do what you gotta do to get that paycheck to not spend on clothes because they aren’t necessary.

If staying home naked is not an option for you, you can go somewhere else to be naked. Some out-of-the-house naked options can be going to get a massage, visiting a steam room. I guess that’s kind of it. Anything else can turn the day into call-a-friend-for-bail Day.

At the very least, take this day to feel free to be yourself. Be spiritually naked. Don’t let others drag you down. If they somehow get to you, try to remember some nice things about yourself. All too often, we are more harsh on ourselves than anyone else could possibly be. Love yourself, mean it.